Pet Urinalysis

Pet Urinalysis is a valuable diagnostic tool used to assess the health of your furry companion’s urinary system.

Pet Urinalysis

At Interstate Veterinary Hospital, we offer comprehensive urinalysis services to help diagnose and manage various urinary issues in dogs and cats.

a person using a microscope

Pet Urinalysis

Key Aspects of Our Pet Urinalysis Services:

  • Diagnostic Tool: Urinalysis is a non-invasive diagnostic test that provides insights into your pet’s urinary health. It can help identify underlying conditions such as urinary tract infections, kidney disease, bladder stones, diabetes, etc.
  • Sample Collection: Our trained staff will collect a urine sample from your pet. It’s essential to obtain a clean and uncontaminated sample for accurate results. If necessary, we can assist in collecting the sample through cystocentesis (a procedure where urine is collected directly from the bladder) or by using other methods.
  • Physical Examination: We perform a physical examination of the urine sample, assessing its color, clarity, and odor. These observations can provide initial clues about your pet’s health.
  • Chemical Analysis: A chemical analysis of the urine helps detect abnormalities such as high glucose levels (indicative of diabetes), proteinuria (protein in the urine), and abnormal pH levels.
  • Microscopic Examination: Under a microscope, we examine the urine sediment to identify cells, crystals, bacteria, and other particles that may indicate infections or other issues.
  • Specific Gravity: Specific gravity measures the concentration of urine and can help assess kidney function. It’s a critical component of urinalysis.
  • pH Level: The pH level of urine can reveal information about your pet’s diet, overall health, and potential risk of forming urinary crystals or stones.
  • Diagnostic Value: The information gathered from urinalysis can assist in diagnosing a wide range of conditions and guide treatment plans. For example, a positive test for bacteria may indicate a urinary tract infection, while the presence of blood may suggest kidney disease or bladder issues.

At Interstate Veterinary Hospital, we understand that early detection and intervention are crucial for your pet’s urinary health. Our urinalysis services are part of our commitment to providing comprehensive care, and we use the results to tailor treatment plans that address your pet’s specific needs. If you suspect your pet has a urinary issue or would like to schedule a urinalysis as part of their routine check-up, please contact us. We’re here to ensure your pet’s well-being.